All of our teachers are highly knowledgeable and experienced in teaching yoga at all levels. The majority of the team have completed the Y4All Yoga Teacher Training, and although we have a house style the individuality of all our teachers shines through in every class and event.
Nicole Rudschinat
• 800H Jivamukti NYC Yoga Certificate
• Pilates on 5th Pilates Certificate
• Anti Gravity Yoga New York Certificate
• 200H Y4ALL Lead Instructor
• 100H Y4ALL Yoga Advanced Mentor
• 50H Y4ALL Pilates Lead Instructor
• 50H Y4ALL Aerial Yoga Lead Instructor
• E-RYT 200
Nicole is a real flower child, having first come into contact with yoga when she was small. In a playful manner she learned 'Down Dog, 'Crow' and 'Tree' while practising with her mother in the garden every morning. She has been in love with yoga ever since.
Nicole has travelled the world as a yoga teacher and has taught at many places: New York, Miami, L.A. as well as Munich, Hamburg and Berlin, where she taught at the Jivamukti Center. Whilst she has her own yoga studio in the heart of Berlin, she currently also teaches courses and holds workshops at Soho House Berlin. With more than 10,000 Teaching Hours, countless Teacher Trainings as Lead Trainer, several Yoga & Pilates DVDs and more than 1,000 Training Hours in Yoga & Pilates at international yoga centres like Jivamukti New York, the equally famous Laughing Lotus Center New York, Pilates on Fifth in New York, the Anti Gravity Aerial Center in New York and the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in India, Nicole is one of Europe's leading teachers.
Her powerful Vinyasa Flow Yoga is challenging and physically demanding. Her anatomical knowledge allows her to teach a healthy and 'clean' yoga technique that leads to a practice without injuries. Lastly, it is her lightness and nonconformity that ensures her students never lose the fun in their practice and lets them get into a groove with disco & funk and pop & electro in her classes.
Jonas Asmelash
• 500H Yoga Advanced Certificate
• 200H Y4ALL Lead Instructor
• 100H Y4ALL Yoga Advanced Mentor
• 50H Y4ALL Pilates Lead Instructor
• 50H Y4ALL Aerial Yoga Lead Instructor
• RYT 500 & E-RYT 200
• YPSI Certified Strength Coach & Personal Trainer
• YACEP Teacher
Lawyer, entrepreneur, globetrotter - and a huge yoga fan. That’s Jonas in a nutshell. As a long-time boxer and basketball player he could never really get enthusiastic about yoga and other 'girl stuff'. But Nicole convinced him to do at least one class with her before making up his mind about it. He did. And he has never looked back. During a yoga journey to the USA in 2012 they both decided to finally open their own Studio in Berlin.
Jonas studied International Law & Business in Hamburg, Shanghai and Philadelphia and successfully worked for international law firms and internet start up companies for many years, before Nicole asked him to join her. And he did not hesitate for a moment when the idea became a studio.
As a student, Jonas worked in pro bono legal clinics and also helped teenagers from difficult homes with their school work. Therefore it was always clear that Y4ALL would become not just a just a normal yoga studio, but a studio with a non profit side that would allow children and teenagers to receive free yoga classes. Thus the idea for Y4Kids emerged.
Cari Merriam
Teacher Yoga / Sculpt (EN)
• 200H Vinyasa CorePower Yoga Certificate
• 100H Healer Training Certificate
• 60H Yoga Sculpt Certificate
• 50H Yin Yoga Certificate
• E-RYT 200
I discovered yoga at a pivotal point in my life. I felt lost, confused and that I was living a life that wasn't meant for me. Battling drug addiction and self-abuse yoga became my rehab, my sanctuary, and my space to heal. After only a few months into the practice, I was ready for more.
I took my first CorePower Yoga 200hr Vinyasa Teacher Training with the intention not to teach, but the universe had different plans. Since that first teacher training in 2009, I have committed my life to be a student to show up better as a teacher and healer. Within the last decade, I have taught over 10,000 hours and have certifications in advance mediation + pranayama, yoga sculpt, yin yoga, chakra yoga, group fitness, tantra/hatha, and healer training.
For me, yoga is about the balance of strength and surrender. My classes combine both aspects to leave students feeling balanced, empowered, and connected. Expect to have fun. evolve your practice, sweat, and overall feel better. Can't wait to see you on your mat!
More Infos about my journey on my website: www.carimerriam.com
Maverick Quek
Teacher YOGA (DE/EN)
• 200h Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• 100H Yin Yoga Certificate
• E-RYT 200
Maverick came from Singapore to Germany in 1984 as a scholarship to the Heinz-Bosl-Foundation, Munich, for classical dance. In 1985, while taking his diploma at the Musikhochschule in Munich, he worked on a musical. From this time on, he has appeared in stage and drama performances on stages all over the world. Since 1995 he is also an actor in film and television productions.
He found yoga in 2005. He thought he could improve his golfing game, and succeeded. However, yoga worked its magic and his enthusiasm grew and the spiritual aspects of the practice began to permeate all areas of his life.
He learned and practiced with countless instructors: Colette Ward (Infinity Yoga, Glasgow), Paul & Suzee Grilley, Mark Whitwell, Sheri Celetano (Laughing Lotus, New York), Dechen Thurman, Yogeswari, Nicole Rudschinat, Cyndi Lee, Sarah Powers and Gabriela Bozic, as well as all the many others, who helped to sharpen his perception of yoga and the world. In 2010, Maverick trained as a teacher at Paul & Suzee Grilley in Hamburg and in 2011 at Chakra Theory and Practice in Singapore.
Corinna Fuchs
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• 50H Y4ALLPilates Certificate
• E-RYT 200
Yoga is one of Corinna's biggest passions and became a life-changing experience for her. A few years ago when she took her first yoga class everything fell into place. In summer 2015 came the second special encounter for Corinna. The unique yoga studio Y4ALL set in a converted factory building in Berlin became her second home.
Little do we realise the peace and harmony that can be found just within us. Hence, yoga for Corinna represents the best means to discover that inner connection, living a life more aware, harmonious and balanced than ever. Besides the physical benefits achieved through yoga, this self-actualisation is something she instantaneously wanted to share with other people. With precise hands-on assists along creative yoga sequences, and her ambition to constantly move her teaching to a higher level, Corinna leads her students safely but with great fun through the practice - in yoga and pilates.
Corinna offers dynamic flowing classes suitable for all levels, juiced up by heart-compelling music, which is her second passion. Not only in her regular yoga practice, but also in the music she finds a very special sense of spirituality in her daily life. Therefore, her yoga sessions are surrounded and inspired by all sorts of music from ritual dance, ancient Indian mantras over to deep house beats and instrumental sounds. This creates a lightweight and easy atmosphere for the physical yoga practice on the mat, allowing a mindful escape from the treadmill of everyday life.
Franka Schuster
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• 50H Y4ALL Pilates Certificate
• E-RYT 200
With a background in contemporary ballet, Franka has always been interested in learning about functional movement and the body itself. On finding Yoga, she felt she had discovered a way of movement that felt truly strengthening and challenging whilst allowing to connect at a deeper level internally. Yoga started to make sense to her, when the sequences of intense asanas were completed by music, breathing exercises, spiritual influences and meditation. Working in the fast-evolving event and digital environment as a project manager, she finds the perfect balance in practicing and teaching yoga.
Franka completed her 200 hr Y4ALL Vinyasa Yoga teacher training with Nicole and Jonas in 2017 in Bali and is currently undergoing the 100 Advanced TT in Berlin. She brings an energetic, soulful style to classes. Her love of movement has taken her around the world, trying out many styles and studios, incorporating Dynamic Vinyasa, Yin Yoga and Power Yoga. Franka’s classes focus on creative flows and balanced energy, and she aims to help her students reach beyond their perceived limitations and to support their hidden strengths
Iga Kowalczyk
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• 50H Y4ALL Pilates Certificate
• E-RYT 200
Iga was born into an artistic family in Poland, where dance and classical music were a big part of daily life. After graduating Ballet School she moved to Paris to work as a professional dancer. In 2009 convinced by a friend, Iga took her first yoga class. She immediately fell in love. Despite an extensive background in dance, she realized the practice was challenging and increased her core strength, flexibility and energy. Yoga was also the perfect release after a stressful day.
She discovered how much of a positive impact her practice had on her life, both mentally and physically, as it has helped her get through many difficult times while working as a professional dancer around the world. After moving to Berlin Iga decided to deepen her practice with Nicole and Jonas and she realized she want to share her passion and practice with others so she eagerly continued her journey by completing Y4ALL TT in 2017 in Bali.
Iga seeks to pass on her knowledge and practice with her students through her teaching of alignments based classes focused on combining breath and movement. She hopes to help others develop body awareness and a balance between flexibility and strength, as well as connection with their most honest self.
Flavie LeFèVre
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• 50H Y4ALL Pilates Certificate
• E-RYT 200
Sports has always been a passion for Flavie. Whether it be practicing ice skating at international level, playing rugby or running a marathon, she always liked to challenge herself - physically and mentally - via movement.
She attended her first Yoga class while living in New York, working in the very demanding environment that is the luxury industry. That’s when she came to the realisation of how powerful and life-changing Yoga is. Now working in a fast-paced sports startup, Yoga is the perfect balance to a stressful day.
Yoga has a real positive impact on Flavie’s life and has effects far beyond the mat. It is a way to find a more peaceful life: take time for yourself, let go and put things in perspective. When moving to Berlin, she fell in love with the powerful Yoga style taught by Nicole and Jonas and decided to deepen her practice. She completed the 200H yoga teacher training at Y4ALL and is currently enrolled in their 100H advanced program.
Flavie hopes to help others find the benefits of yoga practice in her classes and her love for travel brings music inspiration for her sequences.
Hyehyun Henna Kim
Teacher YOGA (EN/KO)
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• E-RYT 200
When Henna started practicing yoga more than 10 years ago, she didn't imagine herself becoming a yoga teacher one day. After she moved to Berlin from Seoul, South Korea in 2014, her interest in Yoga became stronger, and she started intensifying her practice, practicing more and traveling around the globe to get to know more about yoga.
Yoga became a part of her life. It was always there for her. One day she discovered the power of yoga when it comes to healing the mind and setting it free. So she decided to become a Yoga teacher to share her experiences and feelings. Now she is waiting for you to join her journey.
Shahed Naji
Teacher YOGA (EN/AR)
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• E-RYT 200
Shahed is a Lebanese multidisciplinary artist living and working in Berlin, Germany. Three years ago he began avidly practicing yoga, although his interest in Meditation and Eastern Philosophies developed during his younger years. Shahed continues to explore this interest by often attending meditation classes and workshops at various temples and retreats. For him, Yoga is an ethical exercise, where the physical part of it is an execution of the meditative aspect.
A voracity for knowledge and cultures has led him to seek to acquire new skills through traveling and practicing yoga, and sharing these skills is the next step on his journey.
Shahed is also a Fellow Researcher at the Freie Universität Berlin, working on the topic of refugees, forced migration and, social changes.
Judith Sommerfeld
Teacher YOGA (EN/DE)
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• E-RYT 200
Since the age of six Judith always has been very engaged in doing sports. After having to quit her fencing career due to living abroad in Australia, the Netherlands, South Africa and Spain, she first settled for running and participated in several half marathons and XLETIX Challenges. Before coming in touch with her first yoga session, she believed Yoga is no “real challenge” and "way too spiritual" for her.
Always on the active side of living, yoga has since then become an enormous balancing tool between hectic life times and self awareness for Judith. It has helped her to become calmer in mind and accept own limits physically as well as mentally. Seeking to share her knowledge and own experiences throughout her own journey, Judith started to deepen her Yoga knowledge at Y4ALL. Her dynamic flow classes are combining breath and movements while being supported by carefully selected sounds.
Pauline von Waldersee
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• 50H Y4ALL Pilates Certificate
• E-RYT 200
Yoga found Pauline at a time, when she needed it the most. This was back in 2015- she just started her M.Sc. in Digital Management while working full-time at a brand agency in Berlin. Not surprising that she was desperately seeking for more calmness in her life. The idea turned out just right, Yoga knew what she needed, even before she knew.
Pauline never thought Yoga would become more to her than a twice a week appointment to calm her mind and stretch her body, but as so often, life has its own plan. When Pauline got diagnosed with a gut issue in 2016, her whole world turned around and Yoga took on a bigger role in her life. She started to discover the true essence of yoga on a spiritual as well as a psychological level and soon found herself on the mat every day. “I realized that I had really found what makes me happy every day.”
And because Yoga became such an essential part of her health journey, she decided to deepen her knowledge and practice by completing the 200 hr Y4ALL Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in 2017. A year later she started her 100 Advanced Teacher Training at Y4ALL in Berlin. She realized, that Yoga was not just a sports phase in her life, for her Yoga is the safe and effective way to stay balanced and in peace with herself and her surroundings. Especially close to her heart are the dynamic, powerful movements with focused breathing. She loves to practice a mixture of sweaty core exercises, flow and focused breathing and wants to pass it on to her students.
Juliane Kappel
Teacher YOGA (EN/DE)
• 200H Y4ALL Yoga Certificate
• 100H Y4ALL Advanced Yoga Certificate
• E-RYT 200
Movement has always been part of Juliane’s life. She started horse riding at the age of 8, stayed with it for more than 10 years and ended up coaching kids her age, back when she started. Juliane tried different sports, in teams like Street-Ball and Latin Formation dance as well as individual as running marathon and cycling.
It was 2005 when she first came in touch with Yoga and did not like it. “Too little breathing in one minute compared with far too less movement.” Many years later whilst living in London Juliane gave it another try. She discovered Vinyasa Yoga and was amazed by the energy and power she gained from it.
Back in Berlin working for a fast-paced and highly demanding tech start-up Yoga became incredibly important as calming and balancing tool. Juliane deeply felt the benefits of Yoga practice when she got pregnant with her son in 2016 and was lucky to continue until the very last month.
Juliane started to intensify her practice and deepened her knowledge. She realised how well it did to people who joined her along the journey. Now she wants you to join as well, experience the life-changing effect and help spreading the word even more. Her dynamic flow classes are combining strength with balance to let you look at challenges of life with more serenity.